Bowhunter's Journal

Warning! This site is only for serious bowhunters and those who put bowhunting up there with God, family and country. This is not for the occassional hunter slinging arrows. Instead, I have built a site specifically for those who live and breathe for bowhunting, and have the discipline, skill and patience to use these applications to their greatest advantage. As such, membership is selective.
Welcome to the first online hunting database designed to easily document the details of your bowhunt, and the incredible ability to analyze numerous aspects of your hunts, summarize the season, lifetime statistics, etc. More importantly, this site is Ad Free!
It's time to determine if there is any truth to those age old claims about deer movement during certain moon phases, pressure, dominant winds, etc. With this knowledge in hand, you'll be able to find out for yourself if those old tales are true, and it will likely change the way you hunt. Armed with this info you will be able to improve your performance and fill your freezer.

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